
Haus RoodHulst, Alpendorf, Annaberg-Im-Lammertal, Dachstein West, Austria

 The address of the central building is:

 Steuer 62

A-5524 Annaberg im Lammertal



Driving from the UK:

Nearest motorway:


It is highly recommended to have a car whilst you are in the resort.

Driving Regulations:

This is a brief overview of Austrian driving laws. You should check the Austrian highway code for yourself to get detailed information, but you must at least:

If you drive to Austria, remember that to drive on the motorway you need to buy a "vignette" - a motorway toll sticker - these are readily available from petrol stations, or from a kiosk at border crossings (where they will also sell you the visibility jackets, triangle and so-on). If you hire a car in Austria, check with the hire company that the vignette is included and displayed in the windscreen.

Children aged under 12 and / or less than 1.5 metres in height must sit in an appropriate fitted child's car seat.

Austria has strict drink driving laws, and the police regularly carry out random road-side checks, and often target roads leading from ski resorts in the late afternoon!

Speed limits are implemented rigorously and radar traps are frequent.

Speeding and other traffic offences are subject to on-the-spot fines.